Monday, January 24, 2011

Error, Bug & Defect


Error is an undesirable deviation from requirements

Error means normally arises in software

Error means to change the functionality of the program.

Deviation for actual and the expected / theoretical value.

It the one which is generated because of wrong login, loop or due to syntax

The difference between Expected & Actual Outputs/Results
It is an undesirable deviation from requirements


Bug is an error found BEFORE the application goes into production.

Bug identifies the error change customer requirement.

Bug: An Error found in the development environment before the product is shipped to the customer.
Bug: A programming error that causes a program to work poorly, produce incorrect results, or
crash...........An error in software or hardware that causes a program to malfunction


Defect: Is an error found AFTER the application goes into production

Defect can be defined as a variance from expectations.

Defect is an error found AFTER the application goes into production.

Defect is the difference between expected and actual result in the context of testing.

Defect is the deviation of the customer requirement.
Defect: An Error found in the product itself after it is shipped to the customer.