Thursday, February 16, 2023

Test Cases

1.Test Case for ATM
TC 1 :- successful card insertion.
TC 2 :- unsuccessful operation due to wrong angle card insertion.
TC 3:- unsuccessful operation due to invalid account card.
TC 4:- successful entry of pin number.
TC 5:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong pin number entered 3 times.
TC 6:- successful selection of language.
TC 7:- successful selection of account type.
TC 8:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong account type selected w/r to that inserted card.
TC 9:- successful selection of withdrawal option.
TC 10:- successful selection of amount.
TC 11:- unsuccessful operation due to wrong denominations.
TC 12:- successful withdrawal operation.
TC 13:- unsuccessful withdrawal operation due to amount greater than possible balance.
TC 14:- unsuccessful due to lack of amount in ATM.
TC 15:- un due to amount greater than the day limit.
TC 16:- un due to server down.
TC 17:- un due to click cancel after insert card.
TC 18:- un due to click cancel after insert card and pin no.
TC 19:- un due to click cancel after language selection,account type selection,withdrawal selection, enter amount
2. Test cases for Traffic Signal
  • verify if the traffic lights are having three lights(green,yellow,red)
  • verify that the lights turn on in a sequence
  • verify that lights turn on in a sequence based on time specified(green light-4.1min,yellowlight10sec,red-light 1 min)
  • verify that only one light glows at a time
  • verify if the speed of the Traffic light can be accelerated as time specified based on the traffic
  • verify if the traffic lights in some spots are sensor activated.
  • Verify that light are properly visible and dark and are on proper height so normal human eyes can see it propely at night and day.
  • Verify it shows remaining time.
3.  Test case for 2 way switch
  • Check whether two switches are present.
  • Check whether both switches are connected properly.
  • Check power supplies for both switches.
  • Check on/off conditions are working properly.
  • Check whether any electronic appliances connected to the 2-way switches should not get power supply when both switches are either in on state or off state.
  • Check whether any electronic appliances connected to the 2-way switches should get power supply when one switch is in on state and other is in off state or vice versa.
4 . Write the test cases on Chair?
a. Check whether the chair is very comfortable to take rest.
b. Check whether the chair is available in your favorite color.
c. Check whether the chair is made up of plastic or wood.
d. Check it has got wheels at bottom to move from one place to another place.
e. Check whether it has got some extra adds ins to stretch on back.
f. Check whether it has got any seating adjustment to make height high or low.
g. Check whether the chair seat has got some air space to flow of air.
h. Check whether the chair has got enough space to be seat with fat or thin
i. Check whether the chair is up to your price.
j. Check whether the chair is very attractive.
k. (Out of box) throw the chair from 1st or 2nd floor to check the capacity. That is not easily breakable.
You can add some more answer and test cases…
l. Check how much weight it can handle.

5. Write the test cases on Ring?
a. It is easily in and out in the figure.
b. Verify it is not harmful to the skin.
c. Verify it is suitable in each climatic condition.
d. Check the design is very attractive.
e. Check the ring is made up of metal or gold or silver.
f. Check whether the ring is up to your price.
g. Check whether it is not breakable easily.
6. Test cases Calculator
  • It should have 9 numeric digits.
  • it should give proper output based on the operation.
  • it should  not allow characters.
  • it should run from cell or battery not through power supply.
  • it should be small in size.
  • at least it should perform 4 basic operation such as
  • add,sub.div, multiplication
7.Write the test cases on Pen?
· Pen’s ink should be dark so that normal human eyes can read clearly.
· Pen should be continuously in writing mode.
. pen’s refill should be available in different color.
· Pen should have the soft grip at the middle place for usability.
· Pen should be in continuously writing mode under hottest and coolest temperature.
· If pen drops from the several feet then also it should be in continuously writing mode if ink is available in pen.
· Pen should not be “Use and throw” type.
· Pen’s refill should be replaceable.
· Pen shape should be straight.
. Pen height and size should be as per standards so than can user can easily carry and hold it.

8. Write the test cases on bulb?
  • Check the bulb is required shape and size
  • Check the bulb is fitted and removed from holder
  • Check the bulb glow required illumination are not
  • Check the bulb it should glow when we switch on
  • Check the bulb it should off when we switch off
  • Check the bulb material
  • Life of the bulb should meet the requirement
8. Test Case for Yahoo Page
  • Check the Logo of Yahoo on yahoo page when yahoo page get open.
  • Check the UI of yahoo page.
  • Testing without entering any username and password.
  • Test it only with Username
  • Test it only with password.
  • User name with wrong password
  • Password with wrong user name
  • Right username and right password
  • Cancel, after entering username and password.
  • Enter long username and password that exceeds the set limit of characters.
  • Try copy/paste in the password text box.
  • After successful sign-out, try “Back” option from your browser. Check whether it gets you to the “signed-in” page.
9. Test cases on bottle:
  • Check whether the bottle is made up of plastic or glass.
  • Check it is available in various color.
  • To check whether it does not have any leakage.
  • checking its base so that we can steady on plan surface.
  • If it is made up from glass then its behavior in deep freezer.
  • Through it from some height to check it is not easily breakable.
  • check it in each climatic condition.
  • Verify that it should contain cold as well as hot water/liquid or not.

10. Test case for Lift?
1. Check for the appropriate no of buttons?
2. What happen if I touch the open button twice?
3. What happen when I press open button while lift is
moving and it is in the middle of the two floors.
4. What happen when I press the open button for some time?
5. Check for the sound when lift is opening.
6. Check for the direction by pressing up and down button.
7. Enter in the lift specify the floor say 4 and check for
the corresponding floor?
8. Lift is moving and the power break off. Does the alarm
blow in the control room that there is power break off?
9. Also check for the case how the inside person inform the
lift man that he got stuck in the lift (if there is phone
button does it works)?
10. Also check for the response time to start lift again?
11. When a person is in the lift any light is there or not?
12. How many persons at a time will carry the lift in the
since in moving time.
13. With out load if we press the up button is it moving or
14. What happen with out specifying the floor number if we
press the up or down?
15. What happen if the lift is in over load mode (over load
sound will come before moving or it moves).
16. With out load if we press the up button and specify the
floor number what is happening?
17. Is the door get closed itself or have to close manually.
18. If the door closed automatically check for the closing
19. If the door closed automatically also check for the
sensor? Suppose the closing time is 2 min and it passed and
people are still getting in. What happen does the door get
closed or wait for the people to get in?
20. What happen when you press the same floor number on
which lift is already there?
21. After getting into the lift one person is there he
wants to go up but we want to go down already he specified
the floor number before we enter in to the lift. After that
we specified our floor number then what will be the
priority of the lift?
22. Lift is empty and is moving downwards I entered and
want to go up. Is there the button to change the direction
of lift and the button working?
23. Is the floor number displayed up in side the lift
24. When happen when the out side person want to open the
door but
Inside person wants to close the door at the same time.

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